The Stunning New Manifesto From One Of The Pioneers Of EQ…
Stephanie Vermeulen is one of the leading pioneers in the field of EQ. She is the author of the 1999 best-seller EQ: Emotional Intelligence for Everyone and – for the past two decades – has embraced the groundbreaking scientific advances that have matured EQ into the all-encompassing Personal Intelligence. In this new book, she successfully cuts through the burgeoning self-help crescendo to deliver a blueprint for reality.
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EQ: Emotional Intelligence for Everyone
Stephanie Vermeulen’s book EQ: Emotional Intelligence for Everyone uniquely contains a comprehensive emotional dictionary. Use it to understand and work with the intelligence of your feelings.
Stephanie Vermeulen is one of the top visionary thinkers in the country and the best in her field. This publication is an exceptional addition to her work and is sure to stimulate and inspire. Masterfully written, it’s easy to understand and is the best book that I’ve ever read on EQ.
John Kehoe – International Mind Power Guru
Available at major bookstores

Kill the Princess: Why Women Still Aren’t Free From the Quest for a Fairytale Life
In Kill the Princess author Steph Vermeulen tackles a wide range of issues facing women today, from body image to popular notions of femininity, from women’s business personas to the politics of family. In an attempt to keep everything together and strive for unattainably perfect lives, women increasingly fall prey to exhaustion and fatigue. A huge reason for this, Vermeulen agues, is that women are still programmed to be self-sacrificing and as a result don’t take care of themselves. Vermeulen uncovers that although women hold their own—they are earning more, maintaining jobs and family, and indeed have more freedoms than they did even 30 years ago—their personal, artistic, and professional needs continue to go unnoticed and unmet.

Stitched Up: Who Fashions Women’s Lives?
This feisty and inspiring treatise blames the destructive cultural myth of female self-sacrifice for the desire for breast implants, the conservative insistence on family values, and the general cultural attitude that prevents women from supporting one another’s accomplishments. Using everything from psychological analysis to clever fairy-tale parodies—called “fairer tales”—the author promotes an ideology for women that is neither bra-burning feminism nor passive conservatism, but rather a belief in self-development.